About Me

This is what happens when a poet meets an artist. Alicia and Erin share the same love for documentary photography, Mary Ellen Mark, vintage photographs and are both Columbia College of Chicago photography Major Graduates. They combined their similar loves with their different ways of seeing the world to create a wedding photography style that uses both of their unique visions. We take our work very seriously because we know that our photos have to last a lifetime. you won't get the boring, "stand here and smile" wedding photos because we know our photos should be as unique and fun as you are. We put much consideration and care into our clients because they always become our friends. Their day is as unique and important to us because we choose to only shoot a select number of weddings per year and we want those weddings to be with people we connect and share our vision with. It is our pure passion and joy to be able to be a part of your love story, and to create poetry with your wedding day images.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

why we love boudoir photos

I make photographs of half naked women and It is my favorite thing in the world and I will tell you why in case you have your panties in a bunch over it.

Carrie May Weems, who is a black woman photographer working out of New York, said she had read a Zora Neal Hurston book that changed her life. she quotes something that Zora said that profoundly encouraged and inspired me.

“You have the right to the glory and the beauty of your culture.”

I love that. I love that as woman I have the right to the glory and beauty of my body, my femininity,   and my gender.
I spent the majority of my life hating the image in the mirror. I was told when I was a not more than 13 that I "shouldn't eat twinkies because they will make you fat" by a women who was an amazing friend but terribly insecure about her own body and it stuck with me. I have thrown up my dinner. I have chewed reeses peanut butter cups and then spit them out so that I could taste them but not have to eat them. I have stared at the mirror and pulled at my skin and wished that there was only half of what was there.
and I am done.
I saw through photography that the images I were using as  my fuel for an "ideal body" were fabricated. I saw through learning photography how to fabricate images in such a way. and Now I don't believe a single lie on the cover of any magazine.
it became my personal joy to be able to photograph other women in their own skin. happy with it. confident in it, and unashamed.

I love photographing pin ups because I think it is freeing for me and the women I photograph. simply that.
I have no contrived agenda other than I think it's awesome when women stop worrying about their body and start enjoying it.
I know that there will be people who disagree with that and may feel discomfort over the idea of sharing things that they think are private, and I can only say for me, I think it's awesome. and if for you it's not, feel free not to look at my photos.

I also think that women are shown in a slew of advertising that are made specifically to target men, and I like that I am a women, making art for other women and that sometimes men enjoy it. How they enjoy it I have no control over, and I am OK with that.
You may feel my photos look the same as those used to exploit women and I have no argument for that. I know when I make photographs I make them to celebrate my femininity, that for years I hated because I thought it was a disadvantage.  how my images read to you, is up to you. I have no control over that. but it won't stop me from making them, and it definitely won't stop me from celebrating it. and I am ok with that.

- Alicia 

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